Nick Bobinski, P.E.
Awards and Nominations
Kapur & Associates
7711 N. Port Washington Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53217
Kapur & Associates
7711 N. Port Washington Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53217
The Awards and Nominations Committee identifies and recommend Branch members deserving of award and nomination to various committees, boards, commissions, etc. The membership of the Committee consists of five members and a Board Contact Member (Past President). The terms of appointment is for two years commencing June 1st, with one-half of the Committee being appointed each year. The Past President serves as Chairman.
Brown and Caldwell
250 E Wisconsin Ave #1525
Milwaukee, WI 53202
The Budget & Finance Committee reports on and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on all matters of budget, fiscal management and financial record keeping. The membership of the Committee consists of two past officers or directors, two members, and a Board Contact Member. The terms of appointment are for one year commencing October first. The President appoints a chairman.
The Education Committee encourages civil engineering as a career choice for junior and senior high school students within the Southeast Branch in cooperation with the Wisconsin Section’s Engineering Education and Professional Development Committee. The committee also promotes and advances the general public image of Civil Engineering by providing and arranging for dissemination of information about Branch members and activities within the Branch in cooperation with the Wisconsin Section’s Public Relations Committee and the Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee. The membership of the committee consists of six members representative of all grades of Society Membership other than student grade, a Board contact member. The terms of appointment for the six members are for three years commencing October 1 with one third of the committee appointed each year. The student members and Board Contact member serve a one year term.
The Membership Committee is responsible for stimulating interest in the American Society of Civil Engineers and especially the Southeast Branch, assisting the Programs and Arrangements Committee at Branch meetings, and encouraging graduate civil engineers to apply for Society membership and members to apply to upgrading their membership classification as soon as they are eligible. The membership of the Committee consists of up to six members and a Board Contact Member. The terms of appointment are for three years commencing October 1st, with one-third of the Committee being appointed each year. The President appoints a chairman from the Committee membership who has two years remaining in his term.
The Newsletter Committee collects and disburses information of interest to Branch members through a monthly Newsletter. The membership of the Committee consists of up to two members, a Newsletter Committee chairman, and a Board Contact Member. The term of appointment is for one year commencing October 1. The President appoints a chairman who serves two one-year terms as Editor.
The Programs and Arrangements Committee plans and arranges programs of interest to the Branch members. The membership of the Committee consists of a maximum of ten members and a Board Contact Member. The terms of appointment are for one year commencing June 1st. The President appoints a chairman who has previously served at least one year on the Committee.
The Public Information Committee promotes and advances the general public image of the civil engineering profession and the American Society of Civil Engineers by providing and arranging for dissemination of information about the Section and its members in technical and non-technical publications, newspapers, radio, and television. The membership of the Committee consists of up to six members. The terms of appointment is for one year commencing October 1st. The President appoints a chairman who serves two one-year terms.
Kapur & Associates
7711 N. Port Washington Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53217
The Scholarship Committee publicizes the scholarship program of the Southeast Branch, receive applications from and evaluate the applicants for scholarship support and recommend the most worthy students to the Board of Directors for scholarship awards. The membership will include a faculty member, who is an ASCE member, from each school in the Branch, one member in private practice, one member in public practice, one member from a utility, and one member-at-large. At least one committee member will be a Younger Member. The members of the scholarship committee serves with staggered three year terms. The terms of the initial appointees will be determined by lot. The chairperson is appointed by the president from the membership of the previous committee.
The Student Affairs Committee provides liaison with students and Student Chapters or Clubs and assist each Chapter or Club in stimulating student interest in Chapter or Club membership and Society membership. The membership of the Committee consists of the Faculty Advisor, the Contact Member, and the Associate Contact Member of each Student Chapter and Club, and a Board Contact Member. Additionally, the Student Chapter or Club Presidents (or their designers) serves as ex-officio members. The chairman of the Committee is a Student Chapter president. The chairmanship rotates annually as follows: Marquette University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and MSOE coinciding with the university that is hosting the January meeting; and commences at the opening of the Fall Semester.