ASCE Wisconsin Section Southeast Branch Scholarship Program

2024 Scholarship Winners:

  • Kinga Ludzia (Marquette)
  • Bryan Berres (Milwaukee School of Engineering)
  • Stephen Walters (UW-Milwaukee)

Scholarship Form Downloads


Student applicant must:

  • be enrolled in a civil or architectural engineering curriculum at a school in the Southeast Branch area which has an active ASCE Student Chapter or Club
  • have reached at least sophomore status
  • be pursuing a bachelor degree and be least one semester (or two quarters) away from graduation
  • be a member of an active ASCE Student Chapter or Club
  • Graduate students and previous scholarship winners are not eligible


Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on the following selection criteria:

  • Active member in ASCE Student Chapter or Club
  • Demonstrate the promotion and advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the civil engineering community
  • Community involvement
  • Leadership potential
  • College GPA and extracurricular activities
  • Preference may be given to members of historically underrepresented groups
  • Financial need may be indicated but is not a major consideration

Selection Procedure:

Once scholarship applications have been received, an initial screening will be performed by the ASCE Southeast Wisconsin Scholarship Committee to determine scholarship finalists. These finalists may then be interviewed individually by the Committee. The Committee in cooperation with the ASCE Southeast Branch will then select awardees.

Application Deadlines:

The initial application form must be received by the Scholarship Committee Chair on or before December 6, 2024.


Scholarship awards will be in the amount of $4,000. Winners will be recognized at the SE Branch Meeting in February 2025.


Aaron Bubb, PE, M. ASCE
Associate | Project Manager
Kapur and Associates, Inc.
7711 N. Port Washington Road
Milwaukee, WI 53217